パーカーポイント: 98+点 予想される飲み頃:2015 - 2024 The 2009 Chardonnay The Judge sparkles on the palate with brilliant layers of fruit. It is bright, articulate and beautifully centered from start to finish. There is a weightless richness that is almost impossible to describe for its pure elegance. A dazzling, crystalline finish rounds out the flinty, mineral-drenched notes. This is easily the equal of any Chardonnay being made in the world today. Anticipated maturity: 2015-2024. (198, The Wine Advocate 23rd Dec 2011)
コングスガード シャルドネ ザ ジャッジ
カリフォルニア最高峰シャルドネは一言だけでは語りつくせない表現力を秘める。一口目は果実の爆発!その後、語り出す豊富なミネラルと緊張感ある個性。カリフォルニア・シャルドネ5本指と言えば、マーカッシン、キスラー、ピーター・マイケル、オーベールそしてコングスガード。コングスガードのトップ・キュヴェ「シャルドネ ザ・ジャッジ」は自社畑から造られるマニア垂涎の逸品。生産量は多くても15樽(約300ケースのみ)。少ない年は5樽(100ケースのみ)しか造らない程の希少品。
Chardonnay The Judge
予想される飲み頃:2015 - 2024
The 2009 Chardonnay The Judge sparkles on the palate with brilliant layers of fruit. It is bright, articulate and beautifully centered from start to finish. There is a weightless richness that is almost impossible to describe for its pure elegance. A dazzling, crystalline finish rounds out the flinty, mineral-drenched notes. This is easily the equal of any Chardonnay being made in the world today. Anticipated maturity: 2015-2024.
(198, The Wine Advocate 23rd Dec 2011)
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